Hi Guozhang,
When testing with a 2.6.1 broker and 2.7 streams application, I see the same
behavior as described before with the 2.7 broker where just after a record is
written to the changelog topic, the log segment is rolled and deleted citing
that the retention time has passed (the record was
Yes I have looked at it and as you said it can help at least by avoiding avoid
stop the world rebalances, but I am looking to further optimize by guaranteeing
strictly one rebalance regardless of the number of instances in the replicaset
and/or scaled up/down.
Hi Mazzen,
Have you looked into incremental cooperative rebalancing? It may help with
your issues, at least it can avoid stop the world rebalances.
Liam Clarke
On Mon, 29 Mar. 2021, 8:04 pm Mazen Ezzeddine, <
Hi all,
Given a replicaset/statefulset of kafka consumers that constitute a consumer
group running on kubernetes, if the number of replicas is x than sometimes x
rebalancing might be triggered since not all of the replicas/consumers send a
join group request in a timely and synced manner to the