Re: Error in Kafka property file contains no connector type

2021-03-11 Thread Liam Clarke-Hutchinson
Hi Mich, Your file is in a JSON format - which won't work. It needs to follow the usual format of a Java properties file. Kind regards, Liam Clarke-Hutchinson On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 12:13 AM Mich Talebzadeh wrote: > Hi, > > > Trying to stream from Kafka to Google Big

Redis as state store

2021-03-11 Thread Parthasarathy, Mohan
Hi, I have a use case where messages come in with some key gets assigned some partition and the state gets created. Later, key changes (but still contains the old key in the message) and gets sent to a different partition. I want to be able to grab the old state using the old key before creatin

Re: Kafka Connectors output to topic.

2021-03-11 Thread Robin Moffatt
For what it's worth, that sounds less like a Kafka Connector and more like a Kafka Streams app. -- Robin Moffatt | Senior Developer Advocate | | @rmoff On Thu, 11 Mar 2021 at 18:27, Nick Siviglia wrote: > Hi Everyone, > > I'd like to create a Kafka connector that instead

Re: Kafka Connectors output to topic.

2021-03-11 Thread Mich Talebzadeh
so you want to do ETL on the input data Kafka source (topic 1) -> Processing -> Another Kafka sink (topic2) LinkedIn * * *Dis

Kafka Connectors output to topic.

2021-03-11 Thread Nick Siviglia
Hi Everyone, I'd like to create a Kafka connector that instead of acting like a source or sink will instead do some processing on the data and output to another kafka topic. Has anyone done this before? Does anyone see any potential drawbacks? Data is json format at around 150 string and number f

Re: Abort transaction semantics

2021-03-11 Thread Guozhang Wang
Hello Peter, The resetToLastCommittedPositions is for cases where the app can still up and running, as a convenient way to continue the processing; if the app has crashed, then upon restarting it would try to reset its position by reading the committed offsets, which would be corresponding to the

Re: topics Replicas not equals Isr in zookeeper

2021-03-11 Thread wenbing shen
[image: image.png] This is a screenshot of a problem occurred in our product at the customer site. Does anyone know the reason? wenbing shen 于2021年3月11日周四 下午7:17写道: > A large number of Replicas of the topic are inconsistent with isr, an > example of which is as follows: > Topic: td_tip P

topics Replicas not equals Isr in zookeeper

2021-03-11 Thread wenbing shen
A large number of Replicas of the topic are inconsistent with isr, an example of which is as follows: Topic: td_tip Partition: 0Leader: 1001Replicas: 1003,1005 Isr: 1001,1002 Topic: td_tip Partition: 1Leader: 1006Replicas: 1004,1007 Isr: 1006,1009 Topic

Error in Kafka property file contains no connector type

2021-03-11 Thread Mich Talebzadeh
Hi, Trying to stream from Kafka to Google BigQuery. The is as follows value.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter