Hello Peter,
Note that when you upgrade from 2.4 to later versions in Kafka, your error
handling could be modified and simplified a bit as well. You can read the
example code in KIP-691 as a reference:
Hello Navneeth,
I would agree with Liam that a session store seems a good fit for your
case. But note that session stores would not expire a session themselves
and it is still the processor node's job to find those already expired
sessions and emit results / delete. You can take a look at
the KStr
This was really helpful.
Thank you
On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 8:08 PM Boyang Chen
> Thanks for the question. I think Gary provided an excellent answer.
> Additionally, you could check out the code example
> <
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/examples/
Issues :
* I and my team are trying to consume some kafka topics based on the
timestamps using startingOffsetsByTimestamps option, and the code works fine
when we run via a Databricks notebook.
* There is a need to setup the whole process in a local system (IntelliJ),
but the sa