Hi team,
I started 3 kafka servers on same machine listening to ports 9092,9093 and 9094
having their dedicated LOG and Data directories.
I have created a topic with 1 partition and a replication factor of 3. Here is
the code.
NewTopic topic = new NewTopic("Queue", 1, (short) 3);
Then I wrote
You can use Kafka Streams:
The use case you describe sounds like a perfect fit it. You would need
to use the `suppress()` operator:
>> My only con
I’m trying to use kafka for the following use case:
* My app receive events from external source;
* It aggregates it during some window (say, 10 minutes);
* Every 10 minutes it writes this aggregated data to external service.
I was thinking about using kafka for this, so I’ll write incomi