Apache MirrorMaker2 Issue

2020-06-18 Thread Peri, Viswanadh
Hi All, I am looking for an help to resolve a MirrorMaker2 issue. Here is the exception I am receiving at the kafka connect end during launch. 2020-06-19 05:21:45,006 INFO [Worker clientId=connect-1, groupId=mirrormaker2-cluster] Cluster ID: UYTj0E0PQOmG9PAb6axowg (org.apache.kafka.clients.Me

Frequent consumer offset commit failures

2020-06-18 Thread James Olsen
We are using AWS MSK with Kafka 2.4.1 (and same client version), 3 Brokers. We are seeing fairly frequent consumer offset commit fails as shown in the example logs below. Things continue working as they are all retriable, however I would like to improve this situation. The issue occurs most o

Re: kafka consumer thread crashes and doesn't consume any events without service restart

2020-06-18 Thread Ricardo Ferreira
Pushkar, You are not wrong. Indeed whatever deserialization errors that happens during the poll() method will cause your code to be interrupted without much information about which offset failed. A workaround would be trying to parse the message contained in the exception SerializationExceptio

How to design topics in an application that is designed for real time application?

2020-06-18 Thread Anto Aravinth
Hello, I'm playing around kafka for building a chat application. Here is what I have done so far: 1. I have set up a CDC (change data capture) on my Postgresql database 2. The change on my table will get published to Kafka 3. I have node socket.io server, which listen to these messages on kafka a

Re: kafka consumer thread crashes and doesn't consume any events without service restart

2020-06-18 Thread Pushkar Deole
Hi Ricardo, Probably this is more complicated than that since the exception has occurred during Consumer.poll itself, so there is no ConsumerRecord for the application to process and hence the application doesn't know the offset of record where the poll has failed. On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 7:03 PM

Re: kafka consumer thread crashes and doesn't consume any events without service restart

2020-06-18 Thread Ricardo Ferreira
Pushkar, Kafka uses the concept of offsets to identify the order of each record within the log. But this concept is more powerful than it looks like. Committed offsets are also used to keep track of which records has been successfully read and which ones are not. When you commit a offset in t

Re: Uneven distribution of messages in topic's partitions

2020-06-18 Thread Ricardo Ferreira
Hemant, This behavior might be the result of the version of AK (Apache Kafka) that you are using. Before AK 2.4 the default behavior for the DefaultPartitioner was to load balance data production across the partitions as you described. But it was found that this behavior would cause performan

Re: kafka log compaction

2020-06-18 Thread Ricardo Ferreira
Pushkar, "1. Would setting the cleanup policy to compact (and No delete) would always retain the latest value for a key?" -- Yes. This is the purpose of this setting. "2. Does parameters like segment.bytes, retention.ms also play any role in compaction?" -- They don't play any role in compacti

Kafka - Failed to clean up log for __consumer_offsets-10 in dir

2020-06-18 Thread Nag Y
I am seeing the following exception in one of the broker log files. Set up contains 3 brokers. Environment - Windows I am ok to remove the files c:\tmp directory. However, I'm a little curious to know why this broker got into this state and if there is a way to rectify the issue without deleting

Re: kafka consumer thread crashes and doesn't consume any events without service restart

2020-06-18 Thread Pushkar Deole
Hi Gerbrand, thanks for the update, however if i dig more into it, the issue is because of schema registry issue and the schema registry not accessible. So the error is coming during poll operation itself: So this is a not a bad event really but the event can't be deserialized itself due to schema

Re: kafka consumer thread crashes and doesn't consume any events without service restart

2020-06-18 Thread Gerbrand van Dieijen
Hello Pushkar, I'd split records/events in categories based on the error: - Events that can be parsed or otherwise handled correctly, e.g. good events - Fatal error, like parsing error, empty or incorrect values, etc., e.g. bad events - Non-fatal, like database-connection failure, io-failure, ou

kafka consumer thread crashes and doesn't consume any events without service restart

2020-06-18 Thread Pushkar Deole
Hi All, This is what I am observing: we have a consumer which polls data from topic, does the processing, again polls data which keeps happening continuously. At one time, there was some bad data on the topic which could not be consumed by consumer, probably because it couldn't deserialize the eve