Fw: Kafka-Connect - Error while creating kafka JDBC Connector with avro data

2018-04-30 Thread Jagannath Bilgi
Hi, I am new to Kafka and Kafka-connect world. Getting connection refused error while creating Kafka-JDBC connector. Below are the steps followed from Kafka Connect Tutorial — Confluent Platformdocker run -d \     --net=host \    --name=zookeeper \    -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=32181 \    -e ZOOKE

Re: The Problem about Kafka 1.0

2018-04-30 Thread gaspare . maria . 68
On 2018/02/13 10:15:30, c...@dev.neoncrm.com wrote: > > Hi Kafka guys, > > I faced the following Exception when I sent message to Kafka 1.0 - > 2018-02-13 04:45:49,861 INFO [STDOUT] org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: > Cannot perform send because at least one previous transactional or i

Re: Workaround for KTable/KTable join followed by groupBy and aggregate/count can result in duplicated results KAFKA-4609?

2018-04-30 Thread John Roesler
Hello Artur, Apologies in advance if I say something incorrect, as I'm still a little new to this project. If I followed your example, then I think the scenario is that you're joining "claims" and "payments", grouping by "claimNumber", and then building a list for each "claimNumber" of all the cl

Re: How do I specify jdbc connection porperites in kafka-jdbc-connector

2018-04-30 Thread Niels Ull Harremoes
In case anybody else runs into the same issue, I solved it by defining the java system property oracle.jdbc.timezoneAsRegion=false I could set this by setting ENV EXTRA_ARGS -Doracle.jdbc.timezoneAsRegion=false in my docker file (based on confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect:4.0.1). -- Niels ---

SSL metrics for simple Producer/Consumer implementation

2018-04-30 Thread M. Manna
Hello, We wanted to implement SSL for our producer/consumer authentication, but we are not certain regarding how good the performance is when using SSL. By performance, we refer to metrics such as message exchanges per second (and any delays). Our production testbed is setup with 3 brokers and we