Question about KIP-73 pr merge

2016-12-20 Thread Json Tu
Hi all, We are now using kafka 0.9.0 in our product enviroment, and we add one broker to the cluster,and execute reassign partitions between all brokers,we find our network card and disk io is very high. and I know KIP-73 has resolved this problem, but I wonder can I merge it to my kafk

Re: SSL Broker Inter communication doesn't work

2016-12-20 Thread Stephane Maarek
The answer is that I had a wildcard certificate and my advertised hostname had an extra dot “.” within it, which was causing the wildcard not be valid. Changing my naming conventions by using hyphens and now it works smoothly On 21 December 2016 at 3:17:24 pm, Stephane Maarek ( steph...@simplemach

Questions about single consumer per partition approach

2016-12-20 Thread Alexei Levashov
Hello, I have a few newbie questions about usage of Kafka as a messaging system. Kafka version - 1 - Let's assume that I want to ensure time sequence of events i.e. if message A from producer was published at time t1 to partition P and message B from the same producer published to partit

SSL Broker Inter communication doesn't work

2016-12-20 Thread Stephane Maarek
Hi, I have setup SSL (port 9093) using keystore / truststore on each broker and as you can see, it works if I specify the truststore, doesn’t work if I don’t: root@8681fd9da149:/test# kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9093 --topic test_ssl hi [2016-12-21 04:09:16,527] WARN Bootstr

Handling Leap second delay

2016-12-20 Thread Sanjeev T
Hi, Can some of you share points on, the versions and handling leap second delay on Dec 31, 2016. Regards -Sanjeev

Re: Kafka SSL encryption plus external CA

2016-12-20 Thread Stephane Maarek
Thanks Rajini. I used a CNAME that round robins to the actual brokers, (etc etc). Therefore no brokers advertises the bootstrap DNS name we’re using. Is that an issue? The SSL certificate wildcard will match both boostrap CNA

Retries not being run in KafkaProducer

2016-12-20 Thread Andrew Clarkson
Hi All, We're using the "org.apache.kafka.kafka-clients" library version "". We're running brokers. I've been tracking down "org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Batch Expired" issues in our producer. Based on my local testing, it looks like it doesn't actually retry m

Kafka Summit 2017

2016-12-20 Thread Gwen Shapira
Hi Kafka Fans, Just in case you didn't hear / read: Last year was the first Kafka Summit and it was quite successful. So we are doing two this year: May in NYC and Aug in SF. You can read more details here: and you can use the code "kafkcom17" for a $50 community discou

Re: Compact Topic - Handling InProcess/Retry/Manual/Completed status

2016-12-20 Thread Susheel Kumar
Any insight on how we can design below current workflow in Kafka when using compacted topic OR basically how we handle retry/failures. Do we need to use multiple compact topic's for each of these directories (InProcess/Retry/Manual/Completed) and move messages in between them OR use one topic and

Compact Topic - Handling InProcess/Retry/Manual/Completed status

2016-12-20 Thread Susheel Kumar
Hello, I am wondering how we handle the below current workflow in Kafka when using compact topic. Do we need to use multiple compact topic's for each of these directories (InProcess/Retry/Manual/Completed) and move messages in between them OR use one topic and application maintains the offset's

Re: Kafka SSL encryption plus external CA

2016-12-20 Thread Rajini Sivaram
Stephane, Bootstrap brokers are also verified by the client in exactly the same way, so they should also match the wildcard of their certificate. Basically, clients need to make a secure SSL connection to one of the bootstrap brokers to obtain advertised hostnames of brokers, so they need to compl

Re: Kafka ACL's with SSL Protocol is not working

2016-12-20 Thread Rajini Sivaram
Raghu, Only the principal used for inter broker communication needs to be a super user. For other users, you can set ACLs based on their role. You will need different keystores for broker and clients with different principals so that you can configure different permissions. You can configure User:

Re: Halting because log truncation is not allowed for topic __consumer_offsets

2016-12-20 Thread Jun MA
Hi B, Thanks for your reply. To clarify, in our case, it should be the leader which crash or something goes wrong to the disk, not the followers (2 brokers that show’s the FATAL error)? > On Dec 19, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Ben Stopford wrote: > > Hi Jun > > This should only be possible in situati