Re: Kafka 0.9 -> consumer.poll() occasionally returns 0 elements

2016-01-22 Thread Jason Gustafson
I see the pause regardless of the client's poll timeout. I thought it might be caused by the quota manager (which is supposed to delay fetches if a quota is exceeded), but this is looking more like a problem in the server's network layer. I went ahead and opened KAFKA-3135, so we can move investiga

Re: SimpleConsumer.getOffsetsBefore() in 0.9 KafkaConsumer

2016-01-22 Thread Jason Gustafson
The offset API is one of the known gaps in the new consumer. There is a JIRA (KAFKA-1332), but we might need a KIP to make that change now that the API is released. For now, Gwen's suggestion is the only way to do it. -Jason On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:22 PM, Gwen Shapira wrote: > Hi Robert! > >

Re: Communication between Kafka clients & Kafka

2016-01-22 Thread Ben Stopford
Hey Praveen Kafka uses a binary protocol over TCP. You can find details of specifics here if you’re interested. All the best B > On 22 Jan 2016, at 08:00, praveen S wrote: > > Do Kafka clients(producers & cons

Stuck consumer with new consumer API in 0.9

2016-01-22 Thread Han JU
Hi, I'm prototyping with the new consumer API of kafka 0.9 and I'm particularly interested in the `ConsumerRebalanceListener`. My test setup is like the following: - 5M messages pre-loaded in one node kafka 0.9 - 12 partitions, auto offset commit set to false - in `onPartitionsRevoked`, com

Communication between Kafka clients & Kafka

2016-01-22 Thread praveen S
Do Kafka clients(producers & consumers) use rpc to communicate with the Kafka cluster.? Regards, Praveen