I use the librdkafka, a c libray of Kafka.
maybe there is1k logs/second.
Best Regards
-Original Message-
From: "Guozhang Wang"
To: "users@kafka.apache.org";
Sent: 2
How do you insert the data into Kafka brokers?
On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 6:52 PM, 陈小军 wrote:
> I have 4 kafka brokers, and create three topics, each topic has four
> partions and 3 repilca. I use the kafka-trunk code. When I insert the data
> to the kafka, suddenly 3 of brokers dead, a
Hi, here is a Node.js client for latest Kafka:
2013/12/25 Thomas
> Hi Joe,
> I've started a node.js implementation for 0.8. (https://github.com/
> wurstmeister/node-kafka-0.8-plus)
> I'd welcome any feedback or help.
> Regards
> Thomas
> O
Hi All,
Can we see count of messages or bytes of a topic present in kafka
using jconsole or any other way ?
Jmx metric "BytesInperSec" doesn't show data stored in kafka.
As per my understanding:
"BytesInperSec" is count of bytes in a topic that have been received
by the broker since the broker p
I have 4 kafka brokers, and create three topics, each topic has four partions
and 3 repilca. I use the kafka-trunk code. When I insert the data to the
kafka, suddenly 3 of brokers dead, and I check the logs, the error is following
[2013-12-27 11:39:13,987] INFO Reconnect due to socket error: nul
And, I assume the 'minFetchRate' refers to the lowest fetch rate over
all the fetchers (1 per broker) that a consumer has. I see
On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 8:58 PM, Jun Rao wrote:
> There is one fetcher per broker, which is responsible for fetching messages
> in all consumed topics whose leader
So you are publishing to kafka brokers running at client networks?
And they are consuming locally to brokers on their networks?
Why not publish to brokers running locally to you and have them consume it
over the internet (even through an API possibly). Yes you have to now
operate the broker but
I am looking into using Kafka for production to store notifications sent by
one of our services. The service clients will then be able to either replay
lost notifications while they were down or simply consume the notifications
directly from Kafka (and not from the service) at their own pace (