Jun. I will try to do heap dump once I'll able duplicate the exception.
We have 300 topics which I estimate will grow rapidly. Each topic has 36
partition to allow greater parallesim.
how kafka heap memory usage changes from your experience with addition of
new topics and having large number of pa
Currently, Kafka has a strong dependency on ZK.
On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Dan F wrote:
> We use Kafka at work. Occasionally Zookeeper gets sad, but I'd like the
> Kafka brokers and producers to be able to at least limp along instead of
> totally go out of commission.
> Is
For the OOME, could you do a heap dump and see what type of objects takes
most of the space?
The second ERROR exposed a bug in Kafka. File KAFKA-1038 to fix that.
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Vadim Keylis wrote:
> I followed linkedin setup example in the docs and located 3g f
Will this work if we are using a TopicFilter, that can map to multiple
topics. Can I create multiple connectors, and have each use the same Regex
for the TopicFilter? Will each connector share the set of available
topics? Is this safe to do?
Or is it necessary to create mutually non-intersectin
I'm definitely interested in this too.
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Jay Kreps wrote:
> Yeah if nobody else does it first linkedin will definitely do kerberos/ssl
> + unix permissions at the topic level soonish. If folks already have a head
> start on the auth piece we would love to have tha