Thanks to Sheldon Ross and Eric Covener for answers that finally pointed
me in the right direction. My problems were many:
My sections had incomplete matching of pathnames. This meant
that they actually weren't matching at all.
My sections had (in some cases) pathnames that didn't exist
on the ta
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Kohne, Mike wrote:
># For some reason, Options +Includes doesn't work if used
># inside a DirectoryMatch block, or a Directory block which
># uses regex to match the directory name.
># Thus, I've eliminated all DirectoryMatch blocks.
I realize that wasn't a very complete response
A) replace "/status" with your location/directory.
B) the Tag can be for any mapping to that url,
or if it is a static directory on your server.
C) this is assuming you have a centralized user/pass file
at /etc/apache2/htusers
D) if not, you need
First your site file need to contains
AuthName "Private Site"
AuthType basic
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/htusers
require valid-user
And I've found that a force-reload doesn't always recognize this, you(I
anyway) have