AW: [users@httpd] how to integrate mod_webapp to tomcat [wd-vc]

2015-03-03 Thread Bremser, Kurt (AMOS Austria GmbH)
In tomcat, each webapp has its own directory tree. I would drop the jkmount /* and instead have jkmount /webappname worker1 jkmount /webappname/* worker1 for each webapp. That's what works for us. Kurt Bremser Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks. ___

AW: [users@httpd] how to integrate mod_webapp to tomcat [wd-vc]

2015-03-03 Thread Bremser, Kurt (AMOS Austria GmbH)
Migrate to apache 2.4 (or at least 2.2) NOW. Really. We mean it. Only version 2.2 and 2.4 are being maintained. apache 2.4 with mod_jk works with tomcat and jboss. Kurt Bremser Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks. Von: Sailaja Gadireddy [sailaj