Try the following link for basic info on using CGI with Apache httpd:
On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 1:03 AM angel Hall-Coulston
> Hi,
> Check your config file with the command 'httpd -V' but speaking from a
> 'Mac users' perspective it’s usual
Check your config file with the command 'httpd -V' but speaking from a 'Mac
users' perspective it’s usually found here:/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
About 3/4 down you’ll find log formats etc and several suggested log levels.
You can change back after you have solved the issue because 'debug' c
Check your Apache error log. It's unlikely anything in your mysql log
will be useful here. Apache will print any STDERR messages to the Apache
error log. You shouldn't need your Apache logging at anything other than
the default logging level to be useful to debug your Perl CGI issue.
On 6
Thanks for your reply. I solved the not being able to run a Perl CGI script
issue. I now have several of my old Perl CGI scripts up and running.
Now one of my other CGI scripts is failing badly. The mysql error log does
not show anything useful. All I see on my screen is a '500 internal se
> On 24 Jun 2020, at 00:35, barry kimelman wrote:
> What have I done wrong?
You've had some good advice from others. But also check your shebang line.
Nick Kew
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It seems a bit self-evident, but have you checked that Apache has permission to
access your cgi-bin directory?
John==On Wed, 2020-06-24 at 17:14
+0100, angel Hall-Coulston wrote:
> Try setting your log file level to debug, you will get far more informatio
Try setting your log file level to debug, you will get far more information.
Also at the end of the 'log format' code in your configuration file (easy
double check by command 'httpd -V' which will double check your conf file) add
'%L' which when added to both access_log file formats AND error_lo
my system is an ubuntu 20.04 lts laptop.
I successfully installed apache2. I verified the installation by visiting
Now I am having problems trying to run a Perl CGI script which I had
running under Windows 10 on Apache 2.4
I modified the sites-enabled/000-default.conf file b