AW: [users@httpd] Kill Parent Process [wd-vc]

2017-07-16 Thread Bremser, Kurt (Allianz Technology GmbH)] Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Juli 2017 20:24 An: Betreff: [users@httpd] Kill Parent Process [wd-vc] Hi, I tried two scenarios with httpd-2.4.25 on my machine. My apache has mpm_woker_module. Case -1 : I killed one process other than Parent process then new process is

[users@httpd] Kill Parent Process

2017-07-14 Thread Hemant Chaudhary
Hi, I tried two scenarios with httpd-2.4.25 on my machine. My apache has mpm_woker_module. Case -1 : I killed one process other than Parent process then new process is created by apache at same time and there is no effect on requests accept by apache. Case-2 I killed parent process then all proce