Something I also found useful was to use the following directive.
RewriteMap escaping int:unescape
before my RW rules and changing the RW rules like this
RewriteRule ^/user ${escaping:https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}} [R,L]
have a look at
Thanks for this Reinhard,
I agree, the env settings in my rules are just making a lot of noise. Your
rules are much easier.
One problem I see is that your [2] seems to create an infinite loop. When a
user go to http://localhost/myapp. This will infinitely trigger the rule over
and over again.
the problem is that if a site which shouldn't be served by https is
called by http your first rewriterule sets ps:https but the first
rewriterule after #[2] isn't used because HTTPS is not on.
I think you can also have your desired effect much more easier like this:
#[1] all /user, /subs
Hello group,
I am working on the mod_ssl configuration on a website and trying to achieve
When a user accesses a page posting sensitive data to the server, the page
should be accessed in httpS mode. What I am doing to achieve this is that I
have a set of rewrite rules that will match