Hi Vincent,
Since I was targeting Apache 2.0.*, I didn't even check the 2.2 docs,
so I missed the "retry" parameter. I tried your advice on OS X Leopard
that actually has HTTPD 2.2, and it worked nicely. Now need to figure
out how to upgrade my other servers...
On Feb 26,
On 25/02/2008, Andrus Adamchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to
> configure a smaller refresh interval or avoid instance status caching
> all together?
Try this:
ProxyPass /myapp/ http://localhost:8105/myapp/ retry=5
I don't know if that's right but the docs suggest it is.
Using HTTPD 2.0.x on OS X and Linux, with mod_proxy setup as a
frontend for a dozen of Java applications (Jetty server instances more
specifically) running on the same machine as HTTPD. mod_proxy config
for each Java instance looks similar to this:
ProxyPass /myapp/ http://localhost:8105