Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] encodings getting decoded...

2008-11-14 Thread André Warnier
Hi. In my opinion, it is a *very* bad idea to use the user's input to create a filename on your system, even if you filter out some characters. You will always forget something, and some malignant user will always find a way to make your application write to "../../../../etc/passwd" or " > /

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] encodings getting decoded...

2008-11-14 Thread Dan Udey
For safety's sake, I generally restrict URLs to numbers, letters, underscores, and dashes. Remove apostrophes and quotes, replace any other characters with underscores, and compress consecutive underscores. Lowercasing everything is not a bad idea either. So"Test's

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] encodings getting decoded...

2008-11-14 Thread Rick Bragg
I'm using the latest FireFox on Linux. I am building a web application where these URL's are created dynamically based on a users input in a "title" field. I am filtering their input and encoding it, I guess it would be best to just delete them with the filter. Is there a list of all these chara

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] encodings getting decoded...

2008-11-14 Thread Dan Udey
Sounds like a browser issue. My browser (Safari) doesn't do that. Are you using Internet Explorer? Try another browser. Also, it's bad practice to have non-URL-safe characters in the URL, encoded or not. On 14-Nov-08, at 11:16 AM, Rick Bragg wrote: Hi, I have a problem with file name enc

[EMAIL PROTECTED] encodings getting decoded...

2008-11-14 Thread Rick Bragg
Hi, I have a problem with file name encodings in URL's, and I don't know if it is a browser or a server issue I have a file like this: but when I try to browse to it, it gets re-written to the following and causes a 404."Te