Thank you Alex for the info. I will check it out.
Much appreciated
At 07:56 PM 3/28/2006 +0200, you wrote:
On Die 28.03.2006 12:47, Ken Murach wrote:
I then started up this apache 1.3.33 instanace but got the following
message upon start up:
apollo1 # ./apachectl start
[Tue Mar 2
On Die 28.03.2006 12:47, Ken Murach wrote:
I then started up this apache 1.3.33 instanace but got the following
message upon start up:
apollo1 # ./apachectl start
[Tue Mar 28 12:23:24 2006] [warn] Loaded DSO libexec/ uses plain
Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI!
Hi everyone,
Recently I was asked to install apache 1.3.33 on a solaris unix server to
replace existing apache 1.3.31. I configured the 1.3.33 to be the same as
the 1.3.31 (same modules compiled in statically with the addition of a few
new modules in 1.3.33).
Now the 1.3.31 uses the mod_wl.s