- Original Message -
From: "aldiaz84" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 12:25 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web publication, elemental doubt
Hi Al,
One of the most useful things you need to try is this
If you server machine has got the external IP assigned to it you'd
simply need to tell apache to listen to that interface, e.g.:
If your server machine is behind a firewall / nat, you'd need to
configure your router / firewall to map traffic for 8080 to y
Hi! , i have some doubts about apache config to publish mi aplication in web
I have an apache server runnig at port 8080 , whith my web aplication, all
it's ok.
I want to acces to my app by the Web, i have an Public ip adress, and i want
to associate it to my localhost ip.
i have http://127.0.0.