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hi dear users,
Actually these solutions are not something that i really want. If i block the
incoming port for few seconds or make the service unavailable, Maybe a victim
user do not try to send her/his request again. Something that i want is
whenever a request comes i make a delay something lik
into a database or do whatever the program
is intended to. I think, the required architecture for these sort of problems
is similar to what Snort and Barnyard2 have applied.
> Regards,
> Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani
> 2013/12/29 samaneh berenjian >
hi dea
hi dear users,
I have installed modsecurity on my apache server. When ever a bad request is
logged by modsecurity, i process the logs of modsecurity logfile. Ihave set
modsecurity in detection only mode and i want apache to not to response to bad
request when i am processing the log of bad requ