I just want to confirm what I already believe to be true. I ran into
an issue recently where a mod_security log file hit 2GB and the
error_log started filling with errors to the effect that it was unable
to write to the file. This happened so much that in a matter of hours
it filled the disk
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I normally create a customized build it Apache with the following
minimal options:
./configure --with-mpm=worker --with-ssl --enable-module=so
- - --enable-status=shared --enable-unique-id --enable-ssl
- - --prefix=/usr/local/apache2
I would now
I have been following Christian Folini's "Rock your Wiki!" article in
the April issue of Sysadmin magazine. I have implemented his rules and
script to generate a cached page but things do not seem to be working.
I have reviewed the logs and it seems like the rules below work.
I was concerned