Is there any ticket for this bug, or is it fixed internally?
I just want to check whether it's really a bug, before I start to debug for
some hours.
If it's convenient for you, I can also check the source RPM (just tell me
what should I search).
2012. január 6. 09:34:22 dátummal Eric Cov
No, I don't think so; ModSecurity just get triggered because something in
the error_log.
"As to the OPTIONS * request failing - make sure there are no hidden
rewrite rules or other URI mangling going on."
Thank you for the tip. Is there any (easy) way to debug which rewrite rules
were applied
Hi All,
There's a frequent error message in my Apache error_log (v2.2.21 under
openSUSE 12.1):
"Invalid URI in request OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0"
I know this is an internal dummy connection to test if the server is alive
or not. But every time, Apache tries to connect to itself, it writes
instead of