Hello friends!
I am involved in a development of some core modules to
apache. The major concern is that there is a lot
inmemory data that is shared across. I came to know
that apache in linux has a default configuration of
preform i.e., multi process. Is there any
architechture [MPM] which is equi
Hai Guys!
Does anybody have idea of Apache Working in VxWorks or
any special compatible version.
Thanks In Advance!
segu rajesh.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> following "apache as reverse-proxy : forwarding SSL
> environment
> variables", I just set up my proxy as below :
Hello GUys!
I am running APACHE2 as worker thread model under
linux and during my 'pre-mpm' process I am forking a
scheduler for my requirement. I use
apr_pool_note_subprocess() to register the process in
the pool for cleanup, but alas! so many times I tried
in failure.
Hope there is someother me
Hello Guys!
I have a small problem[not exactly], it might be very
silly but cannot sleep without an idea.
I want to log debug messages from the module into a
different file other than error_log and access_log
file to maintain and analyse my logs. Sinec I am using
apache[multi threaded/multi proce
I have a problem, here is my requirement.
I have written my 'xyz' module which processes the
request and converts the some specific code into PHP
code[which is the response of my module]. This
html+php generated by my module must be passed on to
the PHP module for processing the PHP code within.