. There are several clients
that you can use to create letsencrypt certificates, not all of the are
certbot. Personally I use acme.sh - have a look at
- --
Nikolai Lusan
is the tool you want? Maybe you should look at
mod_alias and its capabilities.
Nikolai Lusan
Systems Administrator
Hitwise Pty. Ltd.
Level 7 / 580 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
Phone: +61 3 8530 2400
Fax: +61 3 9529 8907
1 site per [public] IP is the rule of thumb.
While it is possible to configure apache to have more than one virtual
host with separate certificates reality dictates that only the first (or
default) virtual host will actually be used.
Nikolai Lusan
Systems Administrator
Hitwise Pty. Ltd.
Nikolai Lusan
Systems Administrator
Hitwise Pty. Ltd.
Level 7 / 580 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
Phone: +61 3 8530 2400
Fax: +61 3 9529 8907
Worldwide: • United States • United Kingdom • Australia • New
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^/bar$
RewriteCond %{ENV:SISTER_SITE} (.*)
RewriteRule ^.*$ http://%1/bar [R=permanent,L]
On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 11:13 +1000, Nikolai Lusan wrote:
> Example:
> Site "Sister" Site
> www.a.com foo.a.com
> www.b.com foo.
trying to use Redirect with environment variables returns the same as
rewrite. Is there and existing external rewrite engine I can use? or is
there a better way to get this functionality?
Nikolai Lusan
Systems Administrator
Hitwise Pty. Ltd.
Level 7 / 580 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, Vic
sed PHP binaries
on a P3 system. You may want to look at the modules you are loading and
how/what they were compiled for.
Nikolai Lusan
Systems Administrator
Hitwise Pty. Ltd.
Level 7 / 580 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
Phone: +61 3 8530 2400
Fax: +61 3 9529 8907
d that or using something like Nagios
(http://www.nagios.org/) although be aware I think the apache monitoring
"plugins" for nagios are garbage and come with too much overhead.
As another person suggested, if you can't bare for the apache server to
be offline for a few minutes then loo
ld be most appreciative. The other option I had
thought of was trying to get a single worker (we are using mpm-prefork)
running and listening only to loopback, but I am a little unsure if this
is actually possible or how to go about it.
Thanks in advance.
Nikolai Lusan
Systems Administrator