irect ...i mean when someone
redirects it gives a nrw url to follow?
where do you find that url in the reply if it does so???
On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Krist van Besien
> On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Mohan gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
hello everyone,
i have a problem regarding networking apis of unix link systems i
don know this is the best place this
request but i cudnt get one .(so also suggest where to ask such
the problem is that after finally connecting to the server when
i just tried to GET the image -i s
hello everyone,
i am very new to apache and tried using it ,but my problem is
i have cgi script written in c++ which outputs a perfect xhtml code
and i also output the content type declaration at the start i.e before