> -Original Message-
> From: Oliver Marshall [mailto:oliver.marsh...@g2support.com]
> Sent: 29 September 2009 15:09
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: RE: [us...@httpd] 0 byte logs
> Hi Mick,
> We are using logrotate to rotate the logs using the following conf
> **
n creating a new, empty one. Unless you
tell it Apache will continue to write to the old log file as it will have it
open. When you give the 'graceful' command Apache restarts and re-opens the log
file thus writing to the new logs.
Mick Sheppard
This is an email from the CPP Group
I doubt that you will find an answer to your problem on this mailing
list. This list is for Apache HTTPD rather than Apache Tomcat. You are
more likely to find an answer on the Apache Tomcat mailing list, see
http://tomcat.apache.org/lists.html for information on that.
That said 'ps -ef |
Just to throw a slight spanner in the works here. My understanding of
'open files' is open file descriptors. As far as a file descriptor is
concerned there is no real difference between a physical file on disk
and a socket (network connection). So eliminating physical files, whilst
it might ge
If you think about it you are asking Apache to start with a known bad
configuration. Apache has no way of knowing whether the contents of the
missing file were important or not. Perhaps they contained important
security information. As such it is better for Apache to not start and
force so
Our questions are whether anyone has come across this before and how
they solved it, and also if there is will be any unforeseen result of us
turning off the session cache?
Mick Sheppard
Enterprise Systems Support Analyst
Holgate Park
YO26 4GA
Tel: 01