To my unexperienced eye you need node1, node2 and node3 in your
worker.list property as well as the loadbalance and status workers.
Lukas Sklenar
From: Jehan Badshah [mailto:jehan.bads
message recieved with signature 28276
Mean some sort of network trouble? Headers being corrupted due to too
many of them or something?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Lukas Sklenar
t +44 (0)1483 817132 | m +44 (0) 77
ies if the format of the message is incorrect, this is my
first post to this forum.
Lukas Sklenar
t +44 (0)1483 817132 | m +44 (0) 7786 374324
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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