On Mon, 2018-10-01 at 18:10 -0600, Jesse Norell wrote:
> I'm still interested in any ideas to try to set REMOTE_USER from a
> cookie value.
> AuthBasicFake sounds like it would work, but when I use it authz_dbd
> still complains:
>AH00027: No authentica
If I can't find any other way I might have to just use mod_auth_env
(assuming it will work) and provide instructions for how to build and
install the .deb file, but I'd sure rather use stock modules.
On Tue,
27;t see how. If I don't specify any AuthType, or set it to None, the
AuthzDBDQuery never runs and the error.log says it requires
authentication but authentication is not set up. Any ideas are
appreciated - thanks!
I'm running 2.4.25-3+deb9u5 from debian s