cache evaluates the response?
Kind regards,
Frans Knibbe
Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:
The problem is that the response contains no cache validator: no Last-Modified,
no E-Tag. If it contains no cache validator, it must contain an explicit
expiry date in order to be cacheable. Look at sections
set to one day (86400 seconds) in this case, right?
Am I overlooking something? How can I get caching to work?
Thanks in advance,
Frans Knibbe
The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Pr
does work:
CustomLog "|D:\bin\rotatelogs.exe logs/access.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S.log
86400" common
I hope this helps..
Frans Knibbe,
PKarthick wrote:
Hi all,
I need to have separate log files on daily basis...for every 24 hours
new log file should be created...
When I
I am trying to use the RLimitNPROC directive to limit the number of CGI
processes that can run at the same time. To test this, I added the
directive to httpd.conf like this:
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
RlimitNPROC 4 4
But after rest