Not as I understand MITM. I've no desire to poke around with https
headers or data.
All I need to do is add an additional header into the CONNECT message.
Apache already inserts a Proxy-agent header into this message and I just
want to do insert a further X-Forwarded-For header which a second pro
Hi there,
I'm running Apache 2.2.11 on Windows XP configured as a forward proxy.
One of it's functions is to add a custom header to the request using the
"RequestHeader set" directive.
The server does not include mod_ SSL but is configured to tunnel HTTPS
traffic using the AllowCONNECT directive
Hi there.
I have been experimenting with the ProxyBlock directive when running
Apache 2.2 as a forward proxy.
When Apache is the final proxy in a chain, everything works as expected.
However if I configure Apache to chain requests to another proxy (using
ProxyRemote *,
the LAN; local hosts can be referred to
> name, DNS or no DNS, and your proxy would send these request to
> nowhere.
> Chris
> -Original Message-
> From: David Vaughan []
> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:46 PM
Hi there.
I have an Apache server (2.2.11 running on Windows XP) which acts as a
forward proxy for a small network connected via a slow IP link to a main
proxy server.
The network has an intranet so the NoProxy command is used to prevent
sending these requests to the main proxy. However this cau
> From: Krist van Besien []
> While apache can be used as a general web proxy it is not the best
> suited program for this.
> I'd look in to squid. You can install squid on all your local office,
> and configure it to use the central office as a "parent" cache. Sq
Davide Bianchi wrote:
>Use your local firewall to implement a transparent proxy, configure
>local proxy to forward his request to the main proxy on a special port,
>filter on the main proxy with that port only and implement certificate
>authentication between the local and the central proxy.
I have a number of networks (think of them as being in local offices),
each of which is connected to the internet via a NAT'ed firewall. Users
on these networks access the internet via an Apache server acting as a
forwarding proxy. These local office proxies are then chained to a
single central f
I am running Apace 2.2.11 on Windows XP as a caching proxy.
An attempt by Apache to refresh a cached header always results in an
access denied warning. This is shown in the error log as:
cache_storage.c(272): Cached response forisn't fresh.
Adding/replacing conditional request headers.