So I finally got this legacy web client to run my services successfully
by the following line of reasoning: If he is hardcoded to POST to
http://mydomain:myport/WebService with no trailing slash, then I
created a file in my htdocs directory named WebService.php and used the
Rewriting Engine as fo
According to the apache documentation for mod_alias
"First, all Redirects are processed before Aliases are processed, and
therefore a request that matches a Redirect or RedirectMatch will never
have Aliases applied."
Without the trailing slash, the web server applies the slash and sends a
I have a web server which provides web services at the url
There is client software which I don't have source code to which allow
you me to specify http://someplace:port.
However, this client will always send its web service posts to
http://someplace:port/SERVICES o
If I suppress the trailing slash, then apache does a redirect, and redirects
are handled before aliases, so the client gets a 301, and the particular client
software I am dealing with won't follow redirects, he simply errs out.
-Original Message-
From: Eric Covener [mailto:cove...@gmail.
I have an intranet website that provides web services. Currently,
clients access this service by POSTing their XML SOAP request envelope
to a particular php script as follows (urls have been sanitized to
protect the guilty):
I receive the xml, process it