On 1/19/07, Lowe, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All.
I'm getting the error:
You don't have permission to access /mrtg on this server.
I have searched through Google and looked at various web pages and
numerous USENET news groups. I have checked the permissions on the mrtg
Time-Dependent Rewriting Description:
When tricks like time-dependent content should happen a lot of webmasters
still use CGI scripts which do for instance redirects to specialized pages.
How can it be done via
If the path is not set you can also to to the Apache/bin dir and look for the apache.exe executable. cd to the dir and run the apache -k start.On 10/16/06,
Kris Da San Martino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the tip. I'm having some issues getting the syntax correcthowever. Here's the forma
UltraEdit-32 also has syntax coloring for most any language of conf fileOn 10/4/06, Mike Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
This is probably not what you mean... but the "jEdit" editor has syntax highlighting support for
httpd.conf, which is quite useful. A true GUI is available as standard
I've always used the command prompt.apache -k restartORapache -k startORapache -k stopdepending what you need. The -k tells apache to apply the command to the service. Make sure your path statements are correct for this to work OR go to the /apache2/bin/ folder and issue commands.
aaronOn 9/22/06
Every thursday morning at 5am, we have our production server do a reboot. Usually without issues. This morning, on reboot, the server hangs on reboot with what appears to be an application popup waiting for someone to click 'ok'.
Here is the event viewer data:
Event Type: InformationEve