Thanks Michele. I was going to investigate Apache HTTPD 2.4 for this issue
since we use “systemctl reload httpd” every time we modify our configuration.
I’m not sure if we will ever get to 10^6 reload before the system is rebooted
for a new kernel or a new version of systemd. We are using RHEL7
I´ve been told that It´s better to set PHP variable cache_limiter to
public to make to work Wordpress php scripts cached by Varnish.
Any experience with this? How can I make sure is it working?
I have enabled in .htaccess:
ExpiresByType text/html "access 1 month"
and if I test cu
(12)Cannot allocate memory: AH00283: fork: Unable to fork new process again!
I suppose that apache2.4 too shoul be affected by the same problem. Apache
2.4 crashed, in the same manner of apache2.2. The difference is between the
number of reloads: there are more than 10^6 times of reloads to crash