This is my first post and i can't find a solution for my problem before
posting here.
I have an CentOS 6.3 with apache, PHP, Samba and ACL working fine. The
problem is that my apache can't understand Linux ACL's.
For example:
I have "/test" folder, with owner 'jonis' and group 'jonis'.
I want to display the URL in an expected format but proxy it to what the app
server would understand.
I may have thousands of such url rewriting and proxying to be done.
What is the performance impact in such cases and best approach to handle such
On 10/4/2012 9:01 PM, Abhishek Gupta wrote:
> Dear group,
> I want to run two sites (desktop and mobile version) under same server.
> I want apache to proxy/redirect to appropriate application server based on
> user agent (msie/ipad).
> Currently, only desktop version is running and I am u