
2020-03-29 Thread Alvaro
Hi, Today i will re-upload the tutorial with an add to configurerightly letsencrypt.It is tested and now is "secure connection" ssl. El dom, 29-03-2020 a las 07:07 +0700, Maxim Solodovnik escribió: > Have you restarted OM after all changes were made? > (turn serve

Re: Some one have letsencrypt working rigt wit OpenMeetings-5 ?

2020-03-29 Thread Alvaro
Thanks Marcus, I've found another way to do it, more simple. Thanks again. Alvaro .. El sáb, 28-03-2020 a las 21:41 +0100, Marcus Schulz escribió: > Hello Alvaro, > > Yes, me. > > I configured SSL Apache straigt forward and then use the PLAIN > connector  > of the tomcat. You cannot p

Re: Openmeetings, kurento and TURN behind NAT

2020-03-29 Thread YUP
It's ok, at least now I know what the problem is. Best, Yarema On Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 5:25 AM Maxim Solodovnik wrote: > > I'm installing KMS inside docker to avoid this > Not sure if I can help with your advanced config :( > > On Sun, Mar 29, 2020, 08:57 YUP wrote: >> >> Hi Maxim, >> Probably I

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
Hi Maxim, 1. latest build isn't an option yet. Bootstrap changes does't work with our coustom.css. I would prefer to "repair" current installation (latest build without  bootstrap). Upload wors on demo. 2. There ist also /ReferenceError: sipKeyDown is not defined///But this one I ignored.

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
can you share revision of your version? While you have "endless rolling balls" do you have any error requests in Dev console->Network? anything with status 500 or so? On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 16:07, Peter Dähn wrote: > Hi Maxim, > > 1. latest build isn't an option yet. Bootstrap changes does't wo

Re: Re: Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
Hello All, I'll try to answer in one email :) > - The symbol and the text for leaving the room should be highlighted (in > color?). > Could you please color this using color scheme from here And Share the result as picture? (I'm not a designer, and have no ima

Re: New tutorial installation SSL certificates and Coturn for OpenMeetings 5.0.0-M3

2020-03-29 Thread Alvaro
Ok, is re-uploaded the tutorial modified. I must to say that for the first version of this guide,i asked to Maxim to test with me the right functioningof our cams and the microphones, and the result was OK.But don't asked to him test the letsencrypt functioning. So the guilt is only mine. I am sorr

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
here you are... Revision81e95ac Builddate 2020-02-21T14:27:26Z rotating balls are not my issue, I will ask the one. But as far as I understand, this doesn't happen any time... Am 29.03.20 um 12:01 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: can you share revision of your version? While you hav

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
Can you try to update Tomcat to 9.0.33 like this Most probably it will help with upload On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 18:02, Peter Dähn wrote: > here you are... > > Revision 81e95ac > Builddate 2020-02-21T14:27:26Z > rotating balls are not

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread info
Hello, I'll put my answers prefaced like this --> --> I don't know javascript and don't use it!  I saw the sandstone colors and I would suggest using the green  (success) color for the icons to show when the camera and microphone are enabled, and use the orange (warning) with the slash th

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread info
Hello, I want to move my M3 test instance to  M4 (or is there a 5.0.0 stable alpha or something like that which incorporates nightly the M4 changes you are committing?) - I shoudl take the latest 3076 at : is

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
Yep Build server will serve you with the most recent version (demo-next has one of the latest builds ...) On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 18:10, wrote: > Hello, > > I want to move my M3 test instance to M4 (or is there a 5.0.0 stable > alpha or something like that which incorporates nightly the M4 chan

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread Juan Antonio Moreno Carmona
Hi all. Maybe you mean something like that. The first image when the camera and microphone are activated and other users can see/hear me. The second image when the camera and microphone are off, nobody can see/hear me. Regards. El 29/3/20 a las 13:06, escribió: Hel

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread info
That's great! Either the orange or red with a slash through it for the devices that are off.  That's all I wanted. Personally I do NOT like the "EXIT" highlighted in orange - I think that should stay the same color as the other text links. That is my opinion. Best, ed Quoting Juan Anton

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread info
Hi, If you mean this, it doesn't exist - file not found error: Quoting Maxim Solodovnik : Yep   Build server will serve you with the most recent version (demo-next has one of the latest builds ...) On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 18:10, w

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
I mean this :)) On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 19:29, wrote: > Hi, > > If you mean this, it doesn't exist - file not found error: > > > > > > Quoting Maxim Solodovnik : > > Yep > > Build server will serve you with the m

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread Marcus Schulz
I would also prefere the icons displaying the current state, not the state that will be entered when clicked. My users alaways asked if the mic is off, because there has been a little cross. Thank you all for your great work btw. Am 29.03.2020 um 13:39 schrieb That

Re: New tutorial installation SSL certificates and Coturn for OpenMeetings 5.0.0-M3

2020-03-29 Thread Alvaro
...and is not two without three... I re-uploaded the tuto fot thirt time. Please download again if does before: llation%20SSL%20certificates%20and%20Coturn%20for%20OpenMeetings%205.0. 0-M3.pdf Thank you Alvaro ---

Re: Openmeetings, kurento and TURN behind NAT

2020-03-29 Thread YUP
BTW, just wondering, why in the full version of OM in docker the kurento server doesn't have turn-environments, but have it for OM? It should be in the line in the file /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini with turnURL=:@:[?transport=] If kurento server runs in docker, it is very e

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
OK, some of UI improvements requested are implemented and demo-next is update Please check :) On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 19:32, Marcus Schulz wrote: > I would also prefere the icons displaying the current state, not the state > that will be entered when clicked. > My users alaways asked if the mic

Aw: Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread BBS Technik
  Hi, I tested with demo next with chrome and FF. The behavior is not what I would expect. (see attached screenshot)   Ed     - The color selection dialog should open near the tools properties window. At the moment the color selection appears in the top left corner and makes long moveme

Re: New tutorial installation SSL certificates and Coturn for OpenMeetings 5.0.0-M3

2020-03-29 Thread stefanx
Now it works, I've made a failure in /opt/open503/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/applicationContext.xml Am 29.03.20 um 03:09 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: > Nope, `application.base.url` is not the case > > Is https://:5443 accessible? (maybe you have renamed `openmeetings` > context name?) >

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
Hi Maxim, sorry took a "bit" longer... Unfortunately nothing changed. The same error. Could you help me to find the point, where this post request to upload a file will be generated? Greetings Peter Am 29.03.20 um 13:04 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: Can you try to update Tomcat to 9.0.33 like

Re: ldap config

2020-03-29 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, Am Sonntag, den 29. März 2020 um 08:03:33 Uhr (+0700) schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: > Documentation is updated (will be published with next release) Thanks (also for your invaluable explanations)! ldap access for auth still doesn't seem to work, but it's not superimportant. Don't bother: We wil

Re: virtual host config

2020-03-29 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi Martin, Maxim, Am Sonntag, den 29. März 2020 um 08:20:47 Uhr (+0700) schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: > Locations other than `openmeetings` required for version 4.0.x only and can > be dropped for 5.0.0 > (`` ... etc.) it works now, thanks for the help! Since there seems to be missing documentation:

Re: New tutorial installation SSL certificates and Coturn for OpenMeetings 5.0.0-M3

2020-03-29 Thread YUP
Hi Alvaro, I have a few comments regarding your tutorial. 1. You gave permission to user "kurento" but you didn't create this user before. 2. Why do you need to grant user "kurento" the openmeetings working directory? 3. Under which daemon users run OM and kurento in your installation, are they dif

Re: New tutorial installation SSL certificates and Coturn for OpenMeetings 5.0.0-M3

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
i'll try to answer #5 TURN is semi-mandatory 1) If KMS and user can connect directly it is not used 2) In case they can't connect due to "grey" IP address, TURN is acting as STUN and helps to resolve address 3) only if #2 above is fail all traffic goes through TURN On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 08:15,

Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
Hello Marcus, please CC user@ :) working camera icon is green for me please try to Shift+F5 (maybe CSS are cached ) On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 00:54, Marcus Schulz wrote: > Nice, I like the camera icon. > What's about making the mic one green also, when it's on? > > > Am 29.03.2020 um 19:40 sch

Re: Re: A general Suggestion from a tester who'd like easier user experience with the software

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
now i see what do you mean Not sure there is something i can do here (this is browser control) but i'll try to check On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 01:33, BBS Technik wrote: > > Hi, > I tested with demo next with chrome and FF. The behavior is not what I > would expect. (see attached screenshot) > > Ed

Re: Openmeetings, kurento and TURN behind NAT

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
turnUrl is set in applicationContext and then passed to JS it never works for me if set in KMS config, and i have no time for further investigation Hopefully will get back to this topic after 5.0.0 will be final On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 23:54, YUP wrote: > BTW, just wondering, why in the full ver

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
My bad there is another place to change You should see correct Tomcat version in catalina.out On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 03:03, Peter Dähn wrote: > Hi Maxim, > > sorry took a "bit" longer... > > Unfortunately nothing

Re: ldap config

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
Actually I'm afraid you will need to figure out how to login first Here is the quote from cmd-admin help (available if you run it without params) -- -l,--LDAP Import LDAP use

Re: virtual host config

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
Sure, Thanks for that :) you can create better docs for the site Sources are here (If something is in XML and you prefer MD - fill free to convert, I'll update the build) We also have

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
Hi Maxim, I found the comment in a commit... // so i already try it... /:-( / Right now I try to use http and this worked. So I will switch to apache mod_proxy during the day. I think this is the fastest way now. Thank you so far Peter // Am 30.03.20 um 03:42 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: My ba

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
What are the steps to reproduce? to take 200k PDF and upload it 10 times? On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 10:36, Peter Dähn wrote: > Hi Maxim, > > I found the comment in a commit... ** > > so i already try it... > *:-( * > Right now I try to use http and this worked. So I will switch to apache > mod_pro

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
no... this also happen with one uploaded file... seems to happen with larger files >1MB but sometimes the same file can be uploaded or not... so it is not a size limit. But evrything I try with time and frames didn't help. Am 30.03.20 um 05:38 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: What are the steps to

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
Just have uploaded 16M PDF to the latest SNAPSHOT - no issues :( On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 11:04, Peter Dähn wrote: > no... this also happen with one uploaded file... seems to happen with > larger files >1MB but sometimes the same file can be uploaded or not... > > so it is not a size limit. But ev

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
I know... this is really something here with my system... it is something with tomcat->https-> upload dialog... But doesn't seem to be a showstopper for release... Is there a guide for apache config? I'm in homeoffice and archived mails are not available here... Am 30.03.20 um 06:14 schrieb

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik this will work for 5.0 with minimum-to-none modifications On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 11:21, Peter Dähn wrote: > I know... this is really something here with my system... it is > someth

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
Thanks for the information, but I get an error in browser console...  XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: Syntax-Fehler Adresse: Zeile Nr. 1, Spalte 1: and network monitor shows 400 bad request on

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Maxim Solodovnik
So I assume 1) you put config from SO to your Apache 2) change the line RedirectMatch ^/$ 3) restart Apache 4) change conf/server.xml 5) restart OM On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 12:22, Peter Dähn wrote: > Thanks for

Re: [HELP NEEDED] 5.0.0 release

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Dähn
Hi Maxim, I missed the change in server.xml now it works, but lms dapter has a problem with this configuration. Will investigate here. Thanks so far Peter Am 30.03.20 um 07:34 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: So I assume 1) you put config from SO to your Apache 2) change the line RedirectMatch ^/

Re: New tutorial installation SSL certificates and Coturn for OpenMeetings 5.0.0-M3

2020-03-29 Thread Alvaro
Hi Yarema, When i make a tutorial the objective is this works right. If you read slowly the tutorial, you'll see that at the beginning is a reference whom tested with me the proper functioning to see the differents cams between them and hear the microphones. Obviously they weren't in my lan. T