Many thanks four your hints. frontend_register option enable was the solution
of the problem.
Now it works :) I think there must be different options for register enable
either in
webfrontend and via sopa/rest - but that may be a feature for the next
Am Montag, 14. Oktobe
Can you try it from browser?
Additionally allow_frontend_register option in config should be enabled to
create users via SOAP/REST
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 7:38 PM, wrote:
> hi,
> I try to add a user using a small php-scipt (just for understanding how it
> works).
> I can login as admin (and
I try to add a user using a small php-scipt (just for understanding how it
I can login as admin (and get returncode "1" for login). If I put a wrong
passwors I get an
errorcode... So I think I am logged in.
Call of addNewUser does not get an error but gets no result at all. If I p