Here are some approximate numbers for example:
Single Audio/Video stream takes ~75 KByte/sec
Conference room with 8 participants where everybody has audio/video on: 8 x
(8 -1) = 8 x 7 = 56 streams = 56 * 75 Kbyte = 4200 KByte/sec (both up and
download on the server)
Webinar room with 3 pr
Hi Irina,
Thanks for your reply.
In my case, *Server and 50 clients* are under same network (LAN) with Audio
Only 2 or 3 moderators from Outside(Through Internet) with Audio,video and
PPT Presentation.
What is the bandwidth requirement for this 3:50 (3moderators:50 users)
On Fri, A
Hi Raju,
You need a dedicated server with minimum 2-4 GB Ram and 2-3 Dual Core or
Quad core CPU (or you can rent a cloud).
Using Ubuntu or Debian is preferrable.
Still the main limiting factor is the bandwidth. Depending on the use-case
you can have very different numbers.
To calculate exact num
Iam running OM2.0 on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.
Around 50 clients from Intranet(LAN) and 2 or 3 clients from Outside(WAN)
What are the recommended specs to run smoothly(Memory, Processor
and Internet bandwidth)?
M K Raju.