this is depenent from your choosen videoresulution and the number of
participating people. the bandwidth doesn't increase linearly...
Am 21.08.2013 07:00, schrieb Aysha Saddiqa:
How much bandwidth is required for a session?
Problem is HTTPS.
after disabling all worked fine...
Am 05.04.2013 11:55, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
AFAIK everything works as expected
On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Sebastian Paul>> wrote:
Hi all,
my file explorer isn't working w
Hi all,
my file explorer isn't working with any 2.1 build I tried out.
i can't find any information in the log files...
is there a know bug?
it also can't show the directory size...
screenshot here:
can anybody help pls? :-(
oh.. thats shame :-(
ok - so i've to wait... thank u much!
Am 02.04.2013 09:31, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
Sorry, RTMPT/RTMPS in 3.0 is not tested yet (It is in plans)
Any help is really appreciated :)
On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Sebastian Paul>
Hey all,
I updated to openmeetings 3.0 and rtmp isn't working longer :-(
https is working fine!
if i try to connect if get this:
[WARN] [NioProcessor-25] -
Exception caught factory
[WARN] [NioProcessor-25]