Re: How to run openmeeting on RTMPS with nginx in frontend

2018-07-24 Thread Christian Wolf
Dear Hemant, In Darshit's case, [if] it is Nginx https + OM http. In such a case, the SSL will be terminated at Nginx. Only HTTP requests will be sent to Tomcat. This is exactly correct. This is independent of nginx. Could also be apache, lighttpd, haproxy or any other reverse proxy with SS

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-23 Thread Christian Wolf
Dear Maxim, dear openmeetings list, > That is weird :( I know it is weird. This is the reason I asked here. > Maybe you can try to import chain as one file as described here: > In the meantime I tried a few

Re: How to run openmeeting on RTMPS with nginx in frontend

2018-07-23 Thread Christian Wolf
Dear Darshit, you need to enable the RTMPS in /conf/jee-container.xml. It is there already but commented out. Also make sure that the keystore and truststore are correctly labeled (I had problems with them in the default configuration) and have the correct passwords. Cheers Christian Am 2

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-19 Thread Christian Wolf
nchor/Common/Terms_and_Conditions.html_<> -Original Message- From: Christian Wolf Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 3:00 AM To: Subject: Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS Dear Hemant, Would you be kind

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-18 Thread Christian Wolf
-- CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: See 'Confidentiality Notice Regarding E-mail Messages from Coscend Communications Solutions' posted at:_<> -Origin

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-18 Thread Christian Wolf
Dear Maxim, On my Ubuntu FF uses CAs from /etc/ssl/certs/, Chrome seems to use internal CAs Can you check with keytool your keystore contains full chain (including CA)? Example keytool -list -v -keystore keysto

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-18 Thread Christian Wolf
Dear Maxim, Am 18.07.2018 um 12:40 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: just re-read your initial email (wasn't practice in English for a long time, hard to read very long emails :(( ) Have you added full certificates chain to both keystore and truststore of red5? As far as I can tell, yes, there are ch

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-18 Thread Christian Wolf
Dear Maxim, both direct RTMS and tunneled RTMPTS should work as expected OK, then I prefer RTMPS. what values do you have in Admin->Config for I thing you are referring to the configuration within the

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-18 Thread Christian Wolf
Dear Maxim, Am 17.07.2018 um 16:19 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: I'm afraid in case of full secured proxied configuration you need to use RTPMTS (tunneled secured RTMP) example of RTMPT config can be found in mail archives, for ex here: I think I might

Re: Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-18 Thread Christian Wolf
-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Christian Wolf Waldwiese 9-11 66123 Saarbrücken Mobil: 0178 776 79 39

Problems with certificates with RMTPS

2018-07-17 Thread Christian Wolf
tation is that the (flash) client refuses the LE root certificate for some reason and terminates the connection due to security concerns. Is my interpretation correct? How can I overcome this? Thank you and cheers Christian -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Christian Wolf

Re: Newbie questions

2016-03-19 Thread Christian Wolf
Hello again, I am administrator of the room (either by setting or by being the first person in the room). OK, this I found using the second user. But if I am the admin, I need to click on the icon in the upper right corner to get the launcher running... I found finally the button to start recordi

Newbie questions

2016-03-10 Thread Christian Wolf
Hello to everyone! I am a new user of OM and I would like to ask you some questions. 1. I tried on a demo installation the usage of OM. I looked for the possibility to record a session (that is the white board and audio). I intend this to have a offline backup/copy of the topics discussed in the