Hi Li,
Could you please list the permissions you see and the error message you
receive from AWS?
Li Peng-2 wrote
> Hey folks, I'm trying to use StreamingFileSink with s3, using IAM roles
> for
> auth. Does anyone know what permissions the role should have for the
> specified s3 bucket to work pr
Hi Michael
Flink *does* detect backpressure but currently, it only propagates it back
to sources.
And so it doesn't support auto-scaling.
Nguyen, Michael wrote
> How does Flink handle backpressure (caused by an increase in traffic) in a
> Flink job when it’s being hosted in an EM
Hi Dongwon,
Could you please provide Flink version you are running and the job manager
eastcirclek wrote
> Hi,
> I tried to run a program by uploading a jar on Flink UI. When I
> intentionally enter a wrong parameter to my program, JobManager dies.
> Below
> is all log m