Re: How to use FsBackBackend without getting deprecation warning

2020-08-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, had the same problem. Try this: env.setStateBackend((StateBackend) new FsStateBackend("hdfs://namenode:40010/flink/checkpoints")); yeah... not the cleanest way... I guess the API is not that clean after all. -- Sent from:

Re: What async database library does the asyncio code example use?

2020-08-12 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I do believe that example from [1] where you see DatabaseClient is just a hint that whatever library you would use (db or REST based or whatever else) should be asynchronous or should actually not block. It does not have to be non blocking until it runs on its own thread pool that will return a

Re: Using managed keyed state with AsynIo

2020-08-13 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Arvid, thank you for the respond. Yeah I tried to run my job shortly after posting my message and I got "State is not supported in rich async function" ;) I came up with a solution that would solve my initial problem - concurrent/Async problem of processing messages with the same key but unfor

Re: Using managed keyed state with AsynIo

2020-08-14 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks Arvid, I like your propositions in my case I wanted to use the state value to decide if I should do the Async Call to external system. The result of this call would be a state input. So having this: Process1(calcualteValue or take it from state) -> AsyncCall to External system to persist/Va

Exception: This method must be called from inside the mailbox thread

2020-11-24 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I faced an issue on Flink 1.11. It was for now one time thing and I cannot reproduce it. However I think something is lurking there... I cannot post full stack trace and user code however I will try to describe the problem. Setup without any resource groups with only one Operator chain restri

Re: Exception: This method must be called from inside the mailbox thread

2020-11-24 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Arvid, Thank you for your answer. And what if a) would block task's thread? Let's say I'm ok with making entire task thread to wait on this third party lib. In that case I would be safe from having this exception even though I would not use AsyncIO? -- Sent from: http://apache-flink-user

Re: Flink Logging on EMR

2020-12-29 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Mars, Were you able to solve this problem? I'm facing exact same issue. I dont see logs from taskmanager from my operators (taskmnager.out file) on EMR although running this locally from IDE logs are printed. -- Sent from:

Testing Flink Jobs

2021-01-11 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I would like to write few tests that would check the message flow in my Flink pipeline. I would like to base my test on [1]. My StreamJob class, that has the main method has all Sinks and Source pluggable. The implementations are based also on [1]. In all examples available online I can see

Re: Testing Flink Jobs

2021-01-12 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, that helped however there is a problem with JobStatus. Please refer to [1] In my case JobStatus is already Running but not all task are running. Any idea how to get task status from MiniCluster? [1]

Re: How JobManager and TaskManager find each other?

2020-03-01 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks about clarification for NAT, Moving NAT issue aside for a moment", Is the process of sending "task deployment descriptor" that you mentioned in "Feb 26, 2020; 4:18pm" a specially the process of notifying TaskManager about IP of participating TaskManagers in job described somewhere? I'm fam

Flink on AWS - ActiveMQ connector

2020-03-02 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, In AWS documentation [1] we can see that AWS provides some set of connectors for Flink. I would need to use an ActiveMQ one provided by [2]. Currently I'm using Docker based stand alone Job Cluster and not AWS one. Whats up with those connectors provided by AWS? Will I be able to use my c

Re: java.time.LocalDateTime in POJO type

2020-03-02 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Tzu-Li, I think you misunderstood Oskar's question. The question was if there are there any plans to support Java's LocalDateTime in Flink's "native" de/serialization mechanism. As we can read in [1], for basic types, Flink supports all Java primitives and their boxed form, plus void, String, D

Re: java.time.LocalDateTime in POJO type

2020-03-05 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks, do you have any example how I could use it? Basically I have a POJO class that has LocalDateTime filed in it. -- Sent from:

"Legacy Source Thread" line in logs

2020-03-27 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, When I run Flink from IDE i can see this prefix in logs "Legacy Source Thread" Running the same job as JobCluster on docker, this prefix is not present. What this prefix means? Btw, I'm using [1] as ActiveMQ connector. Thanks. [1]

Testing RichAsyncFunction with TestHarness

2020-03-27 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, Im trying to test my RichAsyncFunction implementation with OneInputStreamOperatorTestHarness based on [1]. I'm using Flink 1.9.2 My test setup is: this.processFunction = new MyRichAsyncFunction(); this.testHarness = new OneInputStreamOperatorTestHarness<>( new AsyncWaitOperator<>(

Re: Testing RichAsyncFunction with TestHarness

2020-03-27 Thread KristoffSC
I've debug it a little bit and I found that it fails in InstantiationUtil.readObjectFromConfig method when we execute byte[] bytes = config.getBytes(key, (byte[])null); This returns null. The key that it is looking for is "edgesInOrder". In the config map, there are only two entries though. For

Re: Testing RichAsyncFunction with TestHarness

2020-03-27 Thread KristoffSC
I think I got this to work, although with "nasty" workaround. I've debugged that configuration for this testHarnes operator was missing two entries: "edgesInOrder" "typeSerializer_in_1" I added conditional break points to InstantiationUtils.readObjectFromConfig method for those two keys and I ran

Re: Testing RichAsyncFunction with TestHarness

2020-03-29 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, another update on this one. I managed to make the workaround a little bit cleaner. The test setup I have now is like this: ByteArrayOutputStream streamEdgesBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oosStreamEdges = new ObjectOutputStream(streamEdgesBytes); oosStreamEd

Re: Testing RichAsyncFunction with TestHarness

2020-03-29 Thread KristoffSC
HI :) I have finally figured it out :) On top of changes from last email, in my test method, I had to wrap "testHarness.processElement" in synchronized block, like this: @Test public void foo() throws Exception { synchronized (this.testHarness.getCheckpointLock()) { testHarness.proce

Re: Testing RichAsyncFunction with TestHarness

2020-04-02 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks, I would suggest adding my "tutorial" about using testHarnes for AsynOperators, to the documentation. Or maybe build something based on this use case, that could be helpful for others in the future :) Thanks, Krzysztof -- Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050

Re: Reinterpreting a pre-partitioned data stream as keyed stream

2020-04-02 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, sorry for a long wait. Answering our questions: 1 - yes 2 - thx 3 - rigth, understood 4 - well, in general I want to understand how this works. To be able in future to modify my job, for example extracting cpu heavy operators to separate tasks. Actually in my job some of my operators are ch

Questions regarding Key Managed state

2020-04-02 Thread KristoffSC
Hi I have few question regarding Flink's state. Lets say we have: Case 1. stream.keybBy(...).process(myProcessFunction).parallelism(3). MyProcessFucntion uses a managed state (mapState, ListState etc). I'm using state checkpoints. Flink will redistribute events across 3 instances of myProcessF

Flink long Running Jon on AWS EMR/Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics

2020-04-02 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I'm interested with uising Managed Flink service. does anyone has an experience with hosting long running (generally 24/7) Flink jobs on AWS EMR? I'm interested, is it stable enough to host long running state size intensive job. With EMR i have all the config, HA zookeeper part handled by

Re: Questions regarding Key Managed state

2020-04-03 Thread KristoffSC
Thank you for your answers. I have one more question. The Key Managed state for Keyed stream is per key or per operator? For example I have a keyed stream that is processed by MyProcessFunction with parallelism = 3. So I have three instances of MyProcessFuntion. The process function has a KeyMa

Storing Operator state in RocksDb during runtime - plans

2020-04-05 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, according to [1] operator state and broadcast state (which is a "special" type of operator state) are not stored in RocksDb during runtime when RocksDb is choosed as state backend. Are there any plans to change this? I'm working around a case where I will have a quite large control stream.

Re: Creating singleton objects per task manager

2020-04-07 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Seth, I would like to piggyback on this question :) You wrote: "I would strongly encourage you to create one instance of your object per ProcessFunction, inside of open. That would be one instance per slot which is not equal to the parallelism of your operator." Especially the second part "Tha

State size Vs keys number perfromance

2020-04-07 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I would to ask about what has more memory footprint and what could be more efficient regarding less keys with bigger keyState vs many keys with smaller keyState For this use case I'm using RocksDB StateBackend and state TTL is, well.. infinitive. So I'm keeping the state forever in Flink. Th

Re: State size Vs keys number perfromance

2020-04-08 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks Congxian Qiu, I'm aware about your second point. In Value state I will keep String or very simple POJO, without any collections inside. I didn't get your third point, could you clarify it please? "disk read/write is somewhat about the whole state size" Actually what I will keep in Value s

Processing Message after emitting to Sink

2020-04-14 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, I have a special use case that I'm not sure how I can fulfill. The use case is: I have my main business processing pipe line that has a MQ source, processFunction1, processFunction2 and MQ sink PocessFunction1 apart from processing the main business message is also emitting some side eff

Re: Processing Message after emitting to Sink

2020-04-15 Thread KristoffSC
Thank you very much for your answer. I have a question regarding your first paragraph: " it requires that a sink participates in the pipeline. So it is not located as a "leaf" operator but location somewhere in the middle." Isn't Sink a terminating operator? So as far as I know Sinks cannot be in

Re: Processing Message after emitting to Sink

2020-04-15 Thread KristoffSC
My point was, that as far as I know, Sinks are "terminating" operators, that ends the stream like .collect in Java 8 stream API. The don't emit elements further and I cannot link then in a way: source - proces - sink - process - sink Sink function produces DataStreamSink which is used for emittin

Re: Support for Flink in EMR 6.0

2020-05-04 Thread KristoffSC
Actually it seems there is already ongoing discussion about installing Flink 1.10 on EMR -- Sent from:

Session Window with Custom Trigger

2020-06-23 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, I'm using Flink 1.9.2 and I would like to ask about my use case and approach I've took to meet it. The use case: I have a keyed stream, where I have to buffer messages with logic: 1. Buffering should start only when message arrives. 2. The max buffer time should not be longer than 3 seco

Re: Session Window with Custom Trigger

2020-06-23 Thread KristoffSC
One addition: in clear method of my custom trigger I do call ctx.deleteProcessingTimeTimer(window.maxTimestamp()); -- Sent from:

Re: Session Window with Custom Trigger

2020-06-23 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Marco Villalobos-2 unfortunately I don't think Tumbling window will work in my case. The reasons: 1. Window must start only when there is a new event, and previous window is closed. The new Tumbling window is created just after previews one is purged. In my case I have to use SessionWindow wher

Re: Session Window with Custom Trigger

2020-06-23 Thread KristoffSC
It seems that I'm clearing the timers in a right way, but there is a new timer created from WindowOperator::registerCleanupTimer method. This one is called from WindowOperator::processElement at the end of both if/else branches. How can I mitigate this? I dont want to have any "late firings" for m

Use CheckpointedFunction interface on Custom Window Trigger

2020-06-24 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, is it possible that Custom Window Trigger (extending Trigger class) will also implement CheckpointedFunction? In my custom Trigger I have a complicated logic executed in Trigger::onElement method. Currently I'm using a triggerctx.getPartitionedState to do all reads and writes for data man

Re: Session Window with Custom Trigger

2020-06-24 Thread KristoffSC
I think I've figured it out. I switched to GlobalWidnow with my custom trigger. My Trigger combines processingTime trigger logic and onElement trigger logic. Only one should be executed in scope of particular window. I managed to do this by returning FIRE_AND_PURGE and cleat all timers and state

Flink Pojo Serialization for Map Values

2020-07-13 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I would like to ask Flink Pojo Serialziation described in [1] I have a case where my custom event source produces Events described by Pojo: public class DataPoint { public long timestamp; public double value; public BadPojo badPojo = new BadPojo(); public Data

Re: Flink Pojo Serialization for Map Values

2020-07-15 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, Any ideas about that one? -- Sent from:

Re: Flink Pojo Serialization for Map Values

2020-07-16 Thread KristoffSC
Theo, thank you for clarification and code examples. I was actually suspectign that this is becase the Java type erasure.s The thing that bothers me though is fact that Flink was failing over to Kryo silently in my case. Without any information in the logs. And actually we found it just by luck.

Using managed keyed state with AsynIo

2020-08-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi guys, I'm using Flink 1.9.2 I have a question about uses case where I would like to use FLink's managed keyed state with Async IO [1] Lets take as a base line below example taken from [1] and lets assume that we are executing this on a keyed stream. final Future result = client.query(key);

Re: Basic question about flink programms

2019-12-06 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, Im having the same problem now. What is your approach now after gaining some experience? Also do you use Spring DI to setup/initialize your jobs/process functions? -- Sent from:

Re: Basic question about flink programms

2019-12-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Arvid Heise-3, Thanks for your answer. I took this approach. I did not want to start a new thread since I wanted to avoid "subject duplication" :) Regards, Krzysztof -- Sent from:

Order events by filed that does not represent time

2019-12-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, Is it possible to use an field that does not represent timestamp to order events in Flink's pipeline? In other words, I will receive a stream of events that will ha a sequence number (gaps are possible). Can I maintain the order of those events based on this field same as I would do for time r

Thread access and broadcast state initialization in BroadcastProcessFunction

2019-12-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I was playing around with BroadcastProcessFunction and I've observe a specific behavior. My setup: MapStateDescriptor ruleStateDescriptor = new MapStateDescriptor<>( "RulesBroadcastState", Types.VOID, TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint() {

Processing Events by custom rules kept in Broadcast State

2019-12-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I think this would be the very basic use case for Broadcast State Pattern but I would like to know what are the best approaches to solve this problem. I have an operator that extends BroadcastProcessFunction. The brodcastElement is an element sent as Json format message by Kafka. It describes

Re: Thread access and broadcast state initialization in BroadcastProcessFunction

2019-12-11 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Vino, Thank you for your response and provided links. So just to clarify and small follow up. 1. Methods will be called only by one thread right? 2. The links you provided are tackling a case when we got a "fast stream" element before we received broadcast stream element. In my case we had Br

Keyed stream, parallelism, load balancing and ensuring that the same key go to the same Task Manager and task slot

2019-12-17 Thread KristoffSC
Hi community, I'm trying to build a PoC pipeline for my project and I have few questions regarding load balancing between task managers and ensuring that keyed stream events for the same key will go to the same Task Manager (hence the same task slot). Lets assume that we have 3 task managers, 3 t

Re: Thread access and broadcast state initialization in BroadcastProcessFunction

2019-12-17 Thread KristoffSC
Thank you for your reply Timo. Regarding point 2. I'm sorry for the delay. I rerun my test and everything seems to be in order. Open method was called as first. I guess it was a false alarm. Sorry for that. Regards, Krzysztof -- Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.

Deploying Operator on concrete Task Manager

2019-12-18 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I have a question regarding job/operator deployment on Task Managers. If I understand correctly, my job will be spitted into individual tasks, which will be "deployed and executed" on particular task slot/s of Task Manager (depending on parallelism level of course). Lets imagine I have a Job

Re: Deploying Operator on concrete Task Manager

2019-12-18 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, thanks for the replay. Just to clarify, I will have to have *a new Flink Cluster* (Job Manager and Task Manager) that will run in the secure zone which will ran the AsyncEnrich Job right? -- Sent from:

Re: Keyed stream, parallelism, load balancing and ensuring that the same key go to the same Task Manager and task slot

2019-12-19 Thread KristoffSC
Hi :) Any thoughts about this? -- Sent from:

Deprecated SplitStream class - what should be use instead.

2019-12-19 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I've noticed that SplitStream class is marked as deprecated, although split method of DataStream is not. Also there is no alternative proposed in SplitStream doc for it. In my use case I will have a stream of events that I have to split into two separate streams based on some function. Events

Re: Deprecated SplitStream class - what should be use instead.

2019-12-19 Thread KristoffSC
Kostas, thank you for your response, Well although the Side Outputs would do the job, I was just surprised that those are the replacements for stream splitting. The thing is, and this is might be only a subjective opinion, it that I would assume that Side Outputs should be used only to produce so

Re: Deprecated SplitStream class - what should be use instead.

2019-12-20 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Kostas, Thank you for the answer and clarification. If Side-outputs are treated in the same way and there is no significant performance penalty then it seems that they are ok for my use case. I can accept the name mismatch ;) Regards, Krzysztof -- Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-maili

Session Window with dynamic gap

2020-01-02 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, I'm exploring Flink for our new project. Currently I'm playing with Session Windows with dynamic Gap. In short, I would like to be able to change the value of the gap on demand, for example on config update. So I'm having this code: messageStream .keyBy(tradeKeySelector

Re: Session Window with dynamic gap

2020-01-02 Thread KristoffSC
Thank you for the answer, the thing is that I would not like to call external system for each Window, rather I woudl like to keep the gap size in Flink's state which I will be able to change from external system, for example handle configUpdate message from Kafka. So if SessionWindowTimeGapExtra

Re: Session Window with dynamic gap

2020-01-02 Thread KristoffSC
So I was trying to have something like this: PipelineConfigOperator pipelineConfigOperator = new PipelineConfigOperator(); messageStream .connect(pipelineConfigStream) .process(*pipelineConfigOperator*) .keyBy(tradeKeySelector) .wind

Late outputs for Session Window

2020-01-02 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, In my pipeline setup I cannot see side outputs for Session Window (Flink 1.9.1) What I have is: messageStream. .keyBy(tradeKeySelector) .window(ProcessingTimeSessionWindows.withDynamicGap(new TradeAggregationGapExtractor())) .sideOutputLateData(lateTradeMessages) .process

Re: Session Window with dynamic gap

2020-01-02 Thread KristoffSC
Ok, I did some more tests and yep, it seems that there is no way to use Flink's State in class that will implement SessionWindowTimeGapExtractor. Even if I will implement this interface on a class that is an operator, whenever extract method is called it does not have any access to Flink's state

Re: Late outputs for Session Window

2020-01-03 Thread KristoffSC
After following suggestion from SO I added few changes, so now I'm using Event Time Water marks are progressing, I've checked them in Flink's metrics. The Window operator is triggered but still I don't see any late outputs for this. StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get

Re: Late outputs for Session Window

2020-01-08 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, thank you for your SO comment [1]. You are right. Sorry, I miss understand the "late message" concepts. In fact I was never sending "late events" that should match just ended window. Thank you for your comments and clarification. [1]

Flink Job claster scalability

2020-01-08 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, I must say I'm very impressed by Flink and what it can do. I was trying to play around with Flink operator parallelism and scalability and I have few questions regarding this subject. My setup is: 1. Flink 1.9.1 2. Docker Job Cluster, where each Task manager has only one task slot. I'm f

Re: Session Window with dynamic gap

2020-01-08 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Aljoscha, Thanks for the response. This sounds ok for me. It's as if the message carries additional information that can "tell" operators how to handle this message. Maybe we could use this approach also for different use cases. I will try this approach, thanks. -- Sent from: http://apache

Re: Flink Job claster scalability

2020-01-09 Thread KristoffSC
Thank you David and Zhu Zhu, this helps a lot. I have follow up questions though. Having this /"Instead the Job must be stopped via a savepoint and restarted with a new parallelism"/ and slot sharing [1] feature, I got the impression that if I would start my cluster with more than 6 task slots,

Job Cluster vs Session Cluster deploying and configuration

2020-01-09 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, I'm researching docker/k8s deployment possibilities for Flink 1.9.1. I'm after reading/watching [1][2][3][4]. Currently we do think that we will try go with Job Cluster approach although we would like to know what is the community trend with this? We would rather not deploy more than one

Re: UnsupportedOperationException from using Java 11

2020-01-09 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, are there any plans to support Java 11? Thanks, Krzysztof -- Sent from:

Running Flink on java 11

2020-01-09 Thread KristoffSC
Hi guys, well We have requirement in our project to use Java 11, although we would really like to use Flink because it seems to match our needs perfectly. We were testing it on java 1.8 and all looks fine. We tried to run it on Java 11 and also looks fine, at least for now. We were also running

Re: Flink Job claster scalability

2020-01-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Zhu Zhu, well In my last test I did not change the job config, so I did not change the parallelism level of any operator and I did not change policy regarding slot sharing (it stays as default one). Operator Chaining is set to true without any extra actions like "start new chain, disable chain e

Re: Running Flink on java 11

2020-01-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, Yangze Guo, Chesnay Schepler thank you very much for your answers. I have actually a funny setup. So I have a Flink Job module, generated from Flink's maven archetype. This module has all operators and Flink environment config and execution. This module is compiled by maven with "maven.compil

Reinterpreting a pre-partitioned data stream as keyed stream

2020-01-28 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, we have a use case where order of received events matters and it should be kept across pipeline. Our pipeline would be paralleled. We can key the stream just after Source operator, but in order to keep the ordering among next operators we would have to still keep the stream keyed. Obviou

Re: Reinterpreting a pre-partitioned data stream as keyed stream

2020-01-30 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, thank you for the answer. I think I understand. In my uses case I have to keep the order of events for each key, but I dont have to process keys in the same order that I received them. On one point of my pipeline I'm also using a SessionWindow. My Flink environment has operator chaining en

Re: ActiveMQ connector

2020-01-30 Thread KristoffSC
Hi Piotr, I'm not sure about: "Note that if you want your state (your HashMap) to be actually checkpointed, it must be either already defined as Flink manageā€™d state (like `ListState` in the example [1]), or you must copy content of your `HashMap` to Flink managed state during `snapshotState` call.

SSL configuration - default behaviour

2020-02-07 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, In documentation [1] we can read that All internal connections are SSL authenticated and encrypted. The connections use mutual authentication, meaning both server and client side of each connection need to present the certificate to each other. The certificate acts effectively as a shared secr

Flink HA for Job Cluster

2020-02-07 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, In [1] where we can find setup for Stand Alone an YARN clusters to achieve Job Manager's HA. Is Standalone Cluster High Availability with a zookeeper the same approach for Docker's Job Cluster approach with Kubernetes? [1]

Re: Flink HA for Job Cluster

2020-02-09 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks you both for answers. So I just want to have this right. I can I achieve HA for Job Cluster Docker config having the zookeeper quorum configured like mentioned in [1] right (with s3 and zookeeper)? I assume to modify default Job Cluster config to match the [1] setup. [1] https://ci.apach

Flink Minimal requirements

2020-02-10 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, well this may be a little bit strange question, but are there any minimal machine requirements (memory size, CPU etc) and non functional requirements (number of nodes, network ports ports, etc) for Flink? I know it all boils down to what my deployed Job will be, but if we just could put t

Re: Flink HA for Job Cluster

2020-02-10 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks you both for answers. So I just want to have this right. I can I achieve HA for Job Cluster Docker config having the zookeeper quorum configured like mentioned in [1] right (with s3 and zookeeper)? I assume to modify default Job Cluster config to match the [1] setup. [1] https://ci.apach

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Flink 1.10.0 released

2020-02-12 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, I have a small question regarding 1.10 Correct me if I'm wrong, but 1.10 should support Java 11 right? If so, then I noticed that docker images [1] referenced in [2] are still based on openjdk8 not Java 11. Whats up with that? P.S. Congrats on releasing 1.10 ;) [1]

Side Outputs from RichAsyncFunction

2020-02-18 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, Is there a way to emit a side output from RichAsyncFunction operator like it is possible with ProcessFunctions via ctx.output(outputTag, value); At first glance I don't see a way to do it In my use case RichAsyncFunction is used to call REST services and I would like to handle REST error c

Re: Side Outputs from RichAsyncFunction

2020-02-19 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, any thoughts about this one? Regards, Krzysztof -- Sent from:

How JobManager and TaskManager find each other?

2020-02-20 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, I was wondering how JobManager and TaskManager find each other? Do they use multicast for this? Can it be configure to use domain names instead IP's? What I have to do to have two Flink Clusters in same IP network? How I should start task manager in order to tell him, to connect to cluster

Running Flink Cluster on PaaS

2020-02-20 Thread KristoffSC
Hi all, are there any obstacles from running Flink Cluster on PaaS like OpenShift for example? Where for example, task manager could be reasigned to different physical box? Especially when Flink will be in form of Docker Job Cluster. Regards, Krzysztof -- Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mai

Re: Running Flink Cluster on PaaS

2020-02-21 Thread KristoffSC
Thank you Yang Wang, Regarding [1] and a sentence from that doc. "This page describes deploying a standalone Flink session" I always wonder what do you guys mean by "Standalone Flink session" or "Standalone Cluster" that can be found here [2]. I'm using a Docker with Job Cluster approach, I know

Re: How JobManager and TaskManager find each other?

2020-02-26 Thread KristoffSC
Thanks all for the answers, One more question though. In [1] we can see that task managers are talking with each other - sending data streams. How each task manager knows the address of other task managers? [1]

Re: How JobManager and TaskManager find each other?

2020-02-26 Thread KristoffSC
Thank you very much, what about if node Ip changes? Does it also supports dns or "raw" IP addresses only. I'm thinking about cloud deployments where actual service/process can be rescheduled to a different box but there is name resolving mechanism. Also what if there is NAT between Task Manager a

Re: How JobManager and TaskManager find each other?

2020-02-27 Thread KristoffSC
/So do you mean the ip address changes during running or the taskmanager failed and relaunched with a same hostname, but the ip address is different?/ Well that also but actually I was thinking about running FLink on PaaS platforms where process can be re-spawned during runtime on different machin

Re: How can I programmatically set RocksDBStateBackend?

2020-02-27 Thread KristoffSC
Hi, I had same case but with FsStateBackend. Cast it to StateBackend type. env.setStateBackend((StateBackend) new FsStateBackend("some/Path")); I think this is some inconsistency in API. -- Sent from: