Re: read a tarred + gzipped file flink 1.12

2021-01-05 Thread Arvid Heise
Hi Billy, I suspect that it's not possible in Flink as is. The tar file acts as a directory containing an arbitrary number of files. Afaik, Flink assumes that all compressed files or just single files, like gz without tar. It's like this in your case, but then the tar part doesn't make much sense.

read a tarred + gzipped file flink 1.12

2020-12-28 Thread Billy Bain
We have an input file that is tarred and compressed to 12gb. It is about 50gb uncompressed. With readTextFile(), I see it uncompress the file but then flink doesn't seem to handle the untar portion. It's just a single file. (We don't control the input format) foo.tar.gz 12gb foo.tar 50gb then un