回复: Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-05-30 Thread wangl...@geekplus.com.cn
-26 15:47 收件人: Aljoscha Krettek 抄送: user 主题: Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema Hi,wanglei I think Aljoscha is wright. Could you post your denpendency list? Dependency flink-connector-kafka is used in dataStream Application which you should use, dependency

Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-05-26 Thread Leonard Xu
Hi,wanglei I think Aljoscha is wright. Could you post your denpendency list? Dependency flink-connector-kafka is used in dataStream Application which you should use, dependency flink-sql-connector-kafka is used in Table API & SQL Application. We should only add one of them because the two depend

Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-05-26 Thread Aljoscha Krettek
I think what might be happening is that you're mixing dependencies from the flink-sql-connector-kafka and the proper flink-connector-kafka that should be used with the DataStream API. Could that be the case? Best, Aljoscha On 25.05.20 19:18, Piotr Nowojski wrote: Hi, It would be helpful if y

Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-05-25 Thread Piotr Nowojski
Hi, It would be helpful if you could provide full stack trace, what Flink version and which Kafka connector version are you using? It sounds like either a dependency convergence error (mixing Kafka dependencies/various versions of flink-connector-kafka inside a single job/jar) or some shading

java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-05-22 Thread wangl...@geekplus.com.cn
public class MyKafkaSerializationSchema implements KafkaSerializationSchema> { @Override public ProducerRecord serialize(Tuple2 o, @Nullable Long aLong) { ProducerRecord record = new ProducerRecord<>(o.f0, o.f1.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); return record;

Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-03-25 Thread Arvid Heise
Hi Steve, I just noticed some inconsistency: Your class correctly contains the bridge method (last method in javap). Your stacktrace however mentions *org/apache/**flink/kafka/shaded*/org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/ProducerRecord instead of org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord. Did

Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-03-24 Thread Steve Whelan
Hi Arvid, Interestingly, my job runs successfully in a docker container (image* flink:1.9.0-scala_2.11*) but is failing with the *java.lang.AbstractMethodError* on AWS EMR (non-docker). I am compiling with java version OpenJDK 1.8.0_242, which is the same version my EMR cluster is running. Though

Re: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-03-23 Thread Arvid Heise
Hi Steve, for some reason, it seems as if the Java compiler is not generating the bridge method [1]. Could you double-check that the Java version of your build process and your cluster match? Could you run javap on your generated class file and report back? [1] https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tu

java.lang.AbstractMethodError when implementing KafkaSerializationSchema

2020-03-19 Thread Steve Whelan
Hi, I am attempting to create a Key/Value serializer for the Kafka table connector. I forked `KafkaTableSourceSinkFactoryBase`[1] and other relevant classes, updating the serializer. First, I created `JsonRowKeyedSerializationSchema` which implements `KeyedSerializationSchema`[2], which is deprec