Re: flink Kinesis Consumer Connected but not consuming

2021-08-18 Thread Danny Cranmer
Hey Tarun, Your application looks ok and should work. I did notice this, however I cannot imagine it is an issue, unless you are not setting the region correctly: - getKafkaConsumerProperties() Make sure you are setting the correct region (AWSConfigConstants.AWS_REGION) in the properties.

flink Kinesis Consumer Connected but not consuming

2021-08-17 Thread tarun joshi
Hey All, I am running flink in docker containers (image Tag :flink:scala_2.11-java11) on EC2. I am able to connect to a Kinesis Connector but nothing is being consumed. My command to start Jobmanager and TaskManager : *docker run \--rm \--volume /root/:/root/ \--env JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDR