Hi Caizhi,
Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated. I understood the difference now.
Also, I have a flow like Kafka Sink Datastream -> Process Function
(Separate Class) -> Cassandra Sink(Separate Class).
Process Function returns me the output as a string and now I want to create
a DataStream out
This is because ProcessFunction#processElement is a must while all methods
in SinkFunction are not mandatory (for example you can create a sink which
just discards all records by directly implementing SinkFunction). However
if you want your sink to be more useful you'll have to see which metho
I have implemented a Cassandra sink and when I am trying to call it from
another class via DataStream it is not calling any of the methods. I tried
extending other interfaces like ProcessFunction and it is forcing me to
implement its methods whereas. when it comes to RichSinkFunction it doesn't