It is complicated:
1. If you have a file you should consider using the DataSet API. It is more
complicated to use DataStream with files as you have to simulate a stream from
a file.
2. You need a tokenizer for a map operator unless you have a word per line.
3. Sum operator is fine it will count
Seems a bit convoluted for such a simple problem. I am thinking a custom
streaming count() operator will simplify. Wasn¹t able to find examples for
custom Streaming operators.
On 7/21/16, 8:00 PM, "hrajaram" wrote:
>Can't you use a KeyedStream, I mean keyBy with the sameKey? something
some other good choices but this is the first thing that
quickly came in my mind :-)
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Was trying to write a simple streaming Flink program that counts the total
words(not the frequency) in a fie.
I was thinking on the lines of :
counts = text.flatMap(new Tokenizer())
.count(); // count() isnt part of streamin APIs (but supported for batching)
Any suggestions on how to do this