> 1 . If the future completes exceptionally, ie resultFuture
> .completeExceptionally(throwable);
> does the input message get discarded?
If you add an exception that will bubble up and let the task fail.
Fail-over then determines what happens but in most cases the job will
restart to an earl
Hi Tom,
On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 10:42 PM tom yang wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a recently ran into an issue with RichAsyncFunction and wanted to
> get some guidance from the community
> Please see snippet
> *class* AsyncFetchFromHttp *extends* RichAsyncFunction String, String>> {
Hello, I have a recently ran into an issue with RichAsyncFunction and wanted to get some guidance from the community Please see snippet class AsyncFetchFromHttp extends RichAsyncFunction> {23 private transient AysncHttpClient client;45 @Override6 public void