sorry for missing a not. :(
Whether the watermark, which is generated by the
AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks/AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks is send to
the downstream is controlled by the framework. If an operator returns a
watermark going back Flink would _*not_* send it to the downstream.
Hi, Vijay
>>>Then the Operator progresses to the next Watermark as a starting point
for events after event time reaches currWatermark ?
AFAIK, the operator that generates watermark is called by the frame work.
When the operator is called depends on the operator itself. For example the
operator tha
Hi Guowei,
Thx for your reply.
I am trying to understand the logic behind the Point 1 i.e current
Watermark being currMaxTimestamp minus the bound.
So, does this mean the Operator processing a task has a current Event time
< current Watermark < currMaxTimestamp ??? Then the Operator progresses to
1. From doc[1], A Watermark(t) declares that event time has reached time t
in that stream, meaning that there should be no more elements from the
stream with a timestamp t’ <= t (i.e. events with timestamps older or equal
to the watermark). So I think it might be counterintuitive that generatin
I have created a TimestampAssigner as follows.
I want to use monitoring.getEventTimestamp() with an Event Time processing
and collected aggregated stats over time window intervals of 5 secs, 5 mins
etc. Is this the right way to create the TimeWaterMarkAssigner with a bound
? I want to collect t