Hi Navneeth,
But what’s the problem with using `keyBy(…)`? If you have a set of keys that
you want to process together, in other words they are are basically equal from
the `keyBy(…)` perspective, why can’t you use this in your `KeySelector`?
Maybe to make it clear, you can think about this in
Sorry — I didn't understand you were dealing with multiple keys.
In that case, I'd recommend you read about key-group assignment [1] and
check the KeyGroupRangeAssignment class [2].
Key-groups are assigned to parallel tasks as ranges before the job is
started — this is also a well-defined behavio
Hi Marta,
Thanks for you response. What I'm looking for is something like data
localization. If I have one TM which is processing a set of keys, I want to
ensure all keys of the same type goes to the same TM rather than using
hashing to find the downstream slot. I could use a common key to do this
Hi, Navneeth.
If you *key* your stream using stream.keyBy(…), this will logically split
your input and all the records with the same key will be processed in the
same operator instance. This is the default behavior in Flink for keyed
streams and transparently handled.
You can read more about it i
Hi All,
Is there a way for an upstream operator to know how the downstream
operator tasks are assigned? Basically I want to group my messages to be
processed on slots in the same node based on some key.