In the last email, I just wanted to express that the overall state size(and
the access pattern, but I assume that the access pattern is the same
between the two states) affects the final performance (which has to do with
RocksDB's architecture), and if you use MapState and ValueState to end up
Thanks Congxian Qiu,
I'm aware about your second point. In Value state I will keep String or very
simple POJO, without any collections inside.
I didn't get your third point, could you clarify it please?
"disk read/write is somewhat about the whole state size"
Actually what I will keep in Value s
I'll give some information from my side:
1. The performance for RocksDB is mainly related to the (de)serialization
and disk read/write.
2. MapState just need to (de)serialize the single mapkey/mapvalue when
read/write state, ValueState need to (de)serialize the whole state when
read/write the st
I would to ask about what has more memory footprint and what could be more
efficient regarding
less keys with bigger keyState vs many keys with smaller keyState
For this use case I'm using RocksDB StateBackend and state TTL is, well..
infinitive. So I'm keeping the state forever in Flink.